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Fw:FirstNightBurlingtonCounty, Mount Holly, New Jersey

Hi Everyone and Happy Shavuot,

This is an annual event held in Mount Holly, the county seat of Burlington 
County (
 ). It is less than an hour and half car ride, from the Holland Tunnel. And 
only several miles south of New Jersey Turnpike Exit 5, on BurCo 541. If anyone 
is interested; please e-mail me your contact info and I will phone you. I use 
an unlimited long distance calling plan, so calling is not a problem. Please 
contact me ASAP or Regan Young. He would like a list of interested parties, by 
June 15.

"Please get back to me by 15 June as to whether or not as to whether or not you 
can suggest Klezmer musicians that might be interested in participating in this 
year¹s First Night® Burlington County."

Sunday Morning Klezmer 2's Day 
Tuesdays, 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 to 13:00 UTC)
WBZC-FM  88.9 FM (Chatsworth, NJ) - 95.1 FM (Burlington, NJ/Bristol, PA)

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

>From  :  "Regan Young, AIA" <rgy (at) ryebread(dot)com>        
To  :  <sundaymorningklezmer (at) juno(dot)com>          
Subject  :  First Night Burlington County          
Date  :  Thu, 05 Jun 2003 17:16:13 -0400

Jacob Freedman-

I am contacting you to see if can recommend Klezmer musicians that might be 
interested in participating in this year¹s First Night® Burlington County, our 
³fun, safe, affordable New Year¹s Eve celebration in the New Historic Mount 
Holly² (a colonial town just off New Jersey Turnpike, Exit 5).

As you know, First Night® is an international alcohol-free New Year¹s Eve
celebration produced by and for the local community.  It is a public event that 
revives the ancient tradition of marking the passage of time with art, ritual, 
and festivity in a present-day context. Starting in Boston in 1976, there are 
now nearly a hundred fifty official First Night® events around the world, with 
twelve in towns across New Jersey.  This December 31st will be our fifth annual 
event in Mount Holly, with each one bigger and better than the previous.  Every 
year we¹re expanding our attendance, the diversity of our offerings, the number 
of entities & individuals with whom we partner, and the communities that 

Every year we add new elements to our year-end festival of visual &
performing arts. The first year was all live music in three venues.  Three 
years ago we added 9:30 & midnight fireworks, an ice chair, uptown venues, and 
a sculpture exhibit.  Two years ago, we added comedy, opera, puppet 
workshops/parades, an art exhibit, tours of the historic Prison Museum, and 
on-line Entry Button sales. Last year, our new offerings included pre-fireworks 
entertainment, dancing to a swing band, vaudeville workshops, a shuttle bus 
to/from neighboring towns, and A ³First Bite² dining package.

One of the elements I¹d like to add this year is Klezmer.  Because of the
³smörgåsboard² nature of First Night®, we have reserved two 45-minute sets (for 
which our standard honorarium is $500). The venue I have in mind is the Temple 
Har Zion at 255 High Street.  Although none of our performing Artists receive 
an enormous honorarium, it is a chance for exposure to a new audience.  We also 
tend to get great exposure for our Talent. Last year, First Night® Burlington 
County participated in a statewide Preview in October with an opera performance 
in Hamilton Train Station.  Our New Year¹s Eve celebration was covered by a 
regular commercial spot broadcast on Comcast and educational access channels, a 
special insert in the Burlington County Times, articles in all four local 
newspapers, radio announcements, and footage on the ABC, CBS, NBC, & FOX news 
programs.  In short, we got lots of great PR for our Event, our town, our 
Sponsors, and our Artists!

Please get back to me by 15 June as to whether or not as to whether or not you 
can suggest Klezmer musicians that might be interested in participating in this 
year¹s First Night® Burlington County.

Regan Young, AIA
First Night® Burlington County Coordinator
456 High Street
Mount Holly, NJ 08060
(609)265-2652/0333fax; rgy (at) ryebread(dot)com

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