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About Ay lu lu

This is a response to message Message-Id: 
<200305302108(dot)h4UL8Tp00982 (at) panix3(dot)panix(dot)com>
Subject: Re: My latest column, only five months old


I am Helene Engel, the one who did the CD Ay Lu lu.
I am pleased to tell you (and especially r l reid       ro (at) rreid(dot)net) 
that this 
CD is not out of print yet and I will be very happy to send you one if 
you want to purchase it.
Reviews about an unknown CD are very useful for the people who did it, 
and maybe for you. Did you hear about me before? Maybe you will like it 
if you can find it!
I have not seen the review and I don't even know who wrote it and what is 
in it. But I do appreciate! 
We live in a world where only what is very well known is considered and 
appreciated. In each of our own domaines we know that things that are not 
so popular can be as good or even better than the acclaimed ones, but we 
forget it as soon as we are in a more remote subject.
Reviews allow us to keep in touch with what happens (even if it is a few 
years ago) and discover things we did not know, even if they are not 
brand new.
You know these songs existed before me and other people will sing them 
after I die. Does it really matter when I recorded them? What matters is 
"did you like it?", "did I touch your heart?"

Helene Engel helene (at) total(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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