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Re: seen in the June 2003 International Musician (the Officals Journal of the American Federation of Musicians)

Actually, Mel told me he was putting out a book.  Thanks for the heads-up - 
can't wait to get it!

In a message dated 5/30/03 1:26:54 PM, Mattflight (at) aol(dot)com writes:

<< this classified ad is on page 27, does anybody know anything about it: 

MODERN KLESMER MUSIC by Mel Davis - Frailichs, Horas & Ballads $24.95 + $3 S &
 H. Check to Mel Davis, P.O. Box 361035, Melbourne, FL 32936-1035. B-flat or 
C books available, 2-week delivery.

Matt Temkin


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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