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Fw: A Mystical Journey - May 31 and June 1 - THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!

Subject: A Mystical Journey - May 31 and June 1 - THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAY!

> Dear Friend,
> Please join the Russian Chamber Chorus of New York and
> Nikolai Kachanov, our Artistic Director/Conductor, for an
> unusual and inspiring Spring concert. The program reveals
> the parallels between early sacred music of Russia and
> Western Europe, and then progresses to Kachanov's own
> compositions that blend Eastern and Western traditions,
> and feature harmonic singing.
> Saturday, May 31, 8 pm at the Cathedral of St. John the
> Divine, Amsterdam Avenue at 112th Street. Tickets are
> $25/$15 seniors (65+). Please call Cathedral Box Office
> at 1 212 662-2133 or CitiTix at 1 212 581-1212
> Sunday, June 1, 4 pm at the Church of the Good Shepherd,
> 240 East 31st Street. Tickets are $20/$12 seniors (65+).
> Reception to follow. Please call 1 718 445-5799.
> ===========================================
> The first part of the program juxtaposes early Russian
> sacred Znamenny chant and Gregorian chant. It continues
> with little-known early Russian linear polyphony, side by
> side with motets by Palestrina and Lassus. The first part
> concludes with the baroque-style "Choral Concerto No. 4"
> by Dmitry Bortnyansky, a composer of Ukrainian origin who
> stands as one of Russia's most significant liturgical
> composers.
> The second half of the concert features world premieres
> of music by artistic director Nikolai Kachanov: a
> five-part choral cycle, "Benevolence," set to poetry of
> Nicholas Roerich, and "Reflections on Stanzas in H.P.
> Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine" for chorus, piano, and
> synthesizers.
> The brilliantly crafted "Benevolence" continues the
> traditional genre of the Russian choral miniature.
> In an original synthesis of Eastern and Western musical
> techniques this composition reflects the universal
> spirituality of Nicholas Roerich's poetry. Heartfelt and
> deep in meaning, it includes elements of improvisation,
> minimalism, polyphony, instrumental imitation and harmonic
> singing of the Tuvan (overtone) and Tibetan (undertone)
> styles. To blend Eastern and Western traditions, Kachanov
> has created a special tone progression, interweaving
> Eastern-style melody, ornamentation, and distinctive
> rhythmic structures.
> "Reflections on Stanzas in H.P. Blavatsky's Secret
> Doctrine" is written in a "free style" wherein Kachanov
> explores the nature of the overtone series. The blend
> of continual pulsation, live synthesizers, voice, and
> piano creates unusual timbres and a sense of movement
> and transformation.
> ===========================================
> For more information about the Russian Chamber Chorus of
> New York, CD recordings, and other upcoming programs,
> please visit our website,, or call
> 1 212 928-1402.
> To change the e-mail address we have for you, add someone
> you know, or be removed from this list, please e-mail us
> at: mail (at) rccny(dot)org
> ===========================================
> Thank you for your support; we look forward to seeing you.
> These concerts are presentations of RMASA, Inc., a
> not-for-profit organization chartered by the State of
> New York.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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