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[JLM] Machtenberg (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 25 May 2003 17:38:21 +1000
From: Heilbrunn <rabbfour (at) bigpond(dot)net(dot)au>
To: jewishshulmusic (at) yahoogroups(dot)com
Subject: [JLM] Machtenberg

Machtenberg is sometimes credited with being the actual composer of the
famous Rtze Atirosom sung by Yossele Rosenblatt.

He also composed a masterful chazan/choir Rtze which I have sung often and
which is pretty moving.

I looed up his name as well as that odf Rawits in Macy Nuklman's Jewish
music Encyclopaedia but failed to find anything.

Rabbi Chazan Philip Heilbrunn

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