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Re: Judenpolka

--- Helen Winkler <winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com> wrote:
> Has anyone ever come across a dance before called Judenpolka?  I
> found a 
> description of it in German at 

> Helen

I tried to correct the translation.


To collide with the head


Description of dance:  Pair dance

starting position: face to face, male dancer in dance direction, female
dancer in opposite direction (position 2c), not holding hands.


Part 1:  The
dancers take a bow (alternate towards each other and back to back) and
whereby they collide in each case with the head or the butt slightly.  

Part 2:  waltz round dance

this description of dance comes from the author, the source is Andreas
Leeb from Grosshoeflein.  In a similar form Karl Haiding knows this
dance from Wolfau and from Oberschuetzen, where it is called "jewish
dance" or 
"jewish polka".  The second melody received Karl Horak from Peter
Zauner from Poettsching, which differs by the Polka part from first. 
With Horak the second bow applies for the neighbouring dance couple. 
In this form the dance is also known as "Hans's Adam", "Buckerltanz"
and "Hansl, oha!" A variant as "Jewish Polka" received the author from
Anton Reiterits from Doerfl: 

Jewish Polka starting position:  Closed round dance version. 

Part 1:  Polka round dance.

Part 2:  Like part of 1 of the preceding

Source:  Harald Dreo, people dances from the Burgenland (austrian
people song society from Burgenland, 1977.

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