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Hankus Netsky Summer Klezmer Institute at NEC

Summer School 2003


> Summer Intercultural Institutes at New England Conservatory

> Robert Labaree, coordinator


> The Hankus Netsky Summer Klezmer Institute

> Monday-Thursday, July 21-24, 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.

> Friday, July 25, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

> Hankus Netsky, director


> The Hankus Netsky Summer Klezmer Institute will provide students with a

> comprehensive hands-on introduction to the world of Eastern European

> Jewish Music.  Workshops will include classes in Klezmer history and modal

> theory, and ensembles.  Related topics include Hassidic song, Cantorial

> music, and Yiddish folk, theater, and art songs.  We will also explore

> Yiddish and Klezmer ethnography, in interview sessions with local

> eastern-European performers and learn directly from world-renowned guest

> lecturers.


> Workshops will include:

> * Trad/Contemporary Klezmer Ensembles

> * Vocal & Instrumental Style and Technique

> * Klezmer History and Repertoire

> * Eastern European Jewish Dance

> * Klezmer Arranging Concepts

> * The Hassidic - Klezmer Connection


> The institute will include a public performance at NEC Thursday, July 24,

> featuring staff and participants.


> Faculty: Hankus Netsky, director (NEC); Michael Alpert (vocals, violin,

> accordian, percussion, dance); German Goldenshteyn (clarinet); Frank

> London (brass instruments, Hassidic music, arranging)


> Registration : Use the registration form on the back of this flyer,

> download from the Summer School Web site

> ( or call the Summer School Director

> at (617) 585-1126 for further information.


> * Tuition: $635 per session (some financial aid available)

> * Materials fee: $40

> * plus $25 one-time registration fee


> To see the complete NEC Summer School catalogue online, visit our Web site

> at 

> or call the Summer School office at

> 617-585-1130 for a hard copy.


> Josh Lawton, Office Manager

> Division of Preparatory and Continuing Education

> New England Conservatory of Music

> 290 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115

> 617-585-1132 (Fax: 617-585-1135)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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