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Re: An Israelite Odyssey - Review of Koby Israelite's "Dance of

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On 05/05/2003 at 09:53 r l reidr l reid wrote:

>Eliezer Kaplan wrote:
>> Roger Reid yclept:
>> > Why is "genre classification" silly?
>> Because it forces listeners to 'pgeonhole' music based on their
>> expectations.
>"Forces"?  Hardly.  Gives a hint as to whether it's your kind of thing,
>maybe.  It's cool if Koby Israelite doesn;t fit any genre.  But genre
>classification is hardly silly.  Means I don't have to dig through
>hip hop to find modern Hungarian classical.

Does it? How so, if there were _no_ such genres? You'd then go by artist
name, or composer, or some similar scheme.

>I'm a listener - and nobody has ever "forced" me to "pidgeonhole" music.
>I've got all the free will I need for it.

The evidence is more and more coming in that "free will" is indeed nothing
but an illusion... ;-)

However, let's not get side tracked into starting a scientific and
philosophical discussion.

"Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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