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Re: An Israelite Odyssey - Review of Koby Israelite's "Dance of

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On 04/05/2003 at 20:47 Ari Davidow wrote:

>At 05:44 PM 5/4/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>Of course there are, but one needs to recognize that what goes into each
>>depends on someone's arbitrary opinion. But just for fun, let's play a
>>little game. Genre-classify the following five artists:
>>Salim Halali
>>The Klezmatics
>>Don Van Vliet (Captain Beefheart)
>>Miles Davis (make sure you include the years1969-1975)
>>Leonard Bernstein
>>See what I mean?
>Some things =are= hard to categorize (which I think is where RAS started,
in this particular case). But people do think in categories. I don't think
it hurts to try to provide a context in which the reader can hear your
review. Sometimes that means eschewing categories because they don't help.
Sometimes, the grounding can help. Sometimes it also depends on your
>Perhaps we need to say that mindless categorization, like other foolish
consistencies, is the hobgoblin of small minds. 

No doubt there... ;-)

>But we would also need to agree that not all categorization is foolish

Absolutely, it's got its uses. It's only when one tries to squeeze the
music itself, or the artist, into a narrow "pigeon coop" when clearly it is
far too great and far too big-minded to be confined thus, that
categorisation becomes, err... "silly".

"Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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