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Fwd: Song "Di Rebbetzin"

I provided a set of lyrics and a translation to this person, but I thought 
that I'd throw it out to the group in case someone has something to add of 
particular interest (to the listserv as a whole, not just the gentleman in 
Lori @ MAX
--- Begin Message ---
Dear Maxwell Street Band members,

We have any elderly gentleman who comes into the library on a regular basis
who has a request that I am hoping you can help to solve.  He is ninety
four, and when he was a child his Romanian mother used to sing "Di
Rebbetzin" to him.  According to him it's a vulgar song about "The rabbi's
wife".  I think that it may be the song "Di Rebbetzin" that is on your album
"You Should Be So Lucky".  I have never actually heard the song.

What I would like to know is whether he can obtain the lyrics somehow, as
well as their English translation.  He has been searching for information
about this song for 35 years.  It looks like your version was written by
"Adolph King".

Thanks very much!

Ellen Abramowitz, MLS.
Senior Librarian, Information Services
Scott Memorial Library
Thomas Jefferson University
1020 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA  19107
ellen(dot)abramowitz (at) mail(dot)tju(dot)edu

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