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Hi, re Jeff;s message, last I heard there was no softening, quite the
contrary, of U.S. Immigration reequirements fr Canadian musicians needing
a visa (now $96 and not $130) to perfrom in the States, and when I asked
the AFM a little while ago whether you needed a visa even if they're just
poaying your way down and no fee, they replied, "Even if you receive a
bottle of water and nothing else, or airfare, or a cookie, it's
compensation and you need a visa."
When I came down NOT to do a concert in December, they looked at my
passport at the border, said, "Oh,you had amusicians visa in 2001, ok,
where are you hiding your instruments? I'll bet you're doing an illegal
concert now, aren't you?"
They weren't joking,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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