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Re: On the turntable tonight

> I guess what gets me is the difference between musicians who feel that
> to deconstruct and pulverize the tradition to make music of meaning

The musicians I like don't necessarily feel they have to. They just do it
because it seems like a good idea.

Once I saw Andy Statman playing with a more traditional Klemzer band,
Kapelye, I think.  Statman's went on first (I think it was the Andy Statman
Klezmer Orchestra. It was before the current trio) and they played what I
thought was brilliant free form Klezmer-influenced music.  Unfortunately,
this wasn't the audience for that and people started walking out. Halfway
through the set, they noticed the walkouts and switched to more traditional
klezmer music, which they played equally well.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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