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Berlin: Yiddle On Your Fiddle Play Some Ragtime

In the course of discussing Irving Berlin, the song "Yiddle on Your Fiddle 
Play Some Ragtime" came up.  (Elsewhere misattributed to Gummo Marx.) More 
specifically, it was cited as a "Hebe" song - an equivalent to the "coon 
songs" with which Black people were cruelly parodied.  At one time I found 
the sheet music online, and researchers willing to dedicate more time to 
it can probably still do so.  But in the meantime the lyrics can be found 
 You might agree with my opinion: that the song is intended for Jewish 
consumption, and isn't a mean-spirited parody.

Fred Blumenthal
xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com

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