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Andy Statman Trio: NYC X 1, Germany X 4

Tomorrow night (Monday, April 21st) at 8:30, you'll have one more
chance to see the Andy Statman Trio (Andy on clarinet and mandolin,
Jim Whitney on bass and Larry Eagle on percussion) at Charles Street in
New York before an extended leave of absence.  The Charles Street
Synagogue is at 53 Charles (at West 4th) in Greenwich Village.

In early May, we'll be on a whirlwind tour of Germany:

May 5th: Musiktheater im Revier, Kennedyplatz, Gelsenkirchen
May 6th: Neue Synagoge, Berlin
May 7th: Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian State Radio), Munich
May 8th: Sendesaal of Radio Bremen, Bremen

Details will be posted shortly on the website.

We'll be back at Charles Street for a special Lag b'Omer
performance on Monday, May 19th.

Best wishes for a zissen Pesach!

For more info:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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