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sophisticated dining

hi, if I already posted this anecdote, forgive me - I had very little
internet access for several days and don't remember what I managed to
send out.

(Connection to Jewish music? well, more a connection to Jews AND music,
read on -)

Anyway, at the Alan Lomax Tribute conference and concert last week,
Irwin Silber, the founder and long-time editor of Sing Out! Magazine was
Master of Ceremonies at one session. He told the audience that the first
time he was invited to Alan Lomax's apartment for supper (decades ago),
he was really excited, very young, and thrilled at this entry to the
inner circle of the folk world. Well, Alan Lomax was preparing dinner -
and carefully brushing all the steaks with butter before grilling them.
Irwin Silber told the audience, "well, I've never been religious, but
even so, as a Jewish kid, this was pretty shocking. But then I told
myself I was obviously entering the world of sophisticated dining."

The audience cracked up. But the interesting thing was, it wasn't even a
Jewish audience! 

anyway, it was a great weekend, full of wonderful music (though no
Jewish music), and it was exciting to be part of the song swap, sitting
between Pete Seeger and Barbara Dane. (I did a SPanish song collected by
Lomax in '52 and re-collected, with more verses, from the same woman, by
me in 2001). 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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