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RE: Roumanian music in Pre-WW11 Warszaw

Lionel Mrocki [mailto:amrocks (at) optushome(dot)com(dot)au] wrote:

>Can someone tell me what the chances would be that Roumanian melodies
>such as doynas were played by musicians in the jewish communities in
>Warszaw in the 1930's

Well, Alex Fidel (or Fiedel), a trumpeter from Warsaw, recorded
"Doina" on Columbia
in 1916.  The 1920 census shows him living at 253 E. 2nd St., age 34,
a native
of Warsaw, having immigrated in 1907, only nine years before he
recorded that.  
And Josef Solinski, a Warsaw violinist, recorded four sides of a
medley (can't recall the exact title) before that.  If I'm not
mistaken, one of
them was the Gypsy song "Si mai foc si mai jale" (I probably am not
remembering the 
exact title correctly), which appears in these medleys (another one is
Leibowitz's "Orientalishe Melodien" on an Emerson 78.  Was there some
arrangement published in order to spread it, can anyone say? Also, I
heard a 
violinist in a restaurant in Minsk in '97 (he may have been Jewish)
a well-known Romanian tune that was written in the '20s or '30s.  It's
3/8, but I don't know the name of it.  

Paul Gifford

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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