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3rd Annual Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival, Apr 5-12

Haven't gotten a chance to send this out to all New York area people.  

Hope you can come.


       ==-----------  APR 5-12  -----------==

The Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival and BAMcinématek proudly 
present the 3rd Annual Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival! This year's theme 
is Artists and Activists, and the films all focus on the creative 
encounter of engaged artists with personally meaningful subjects. Issues 
include the conflict in the Middle East, the Holocaust, McCarthyism, and
the rights of the disabled. What these films share is a commitment to 
their subject and a belief that cinema can be an agent of change.

Opening Night, Apr 5
Taking Wing (2000) 90 min. New York Premiere!
Directed by Steve Suissa
This autobiographical comedy/drama immerses the viewer in the director's 
love of theater, film, and the art of acting. In French with English 
with Shebrew 12 min. 
Sat, Apr 5 at 7:30pm*
*Followed by Opening Night Party at 9:15pm. With live music by Asefa, 
featuring Samuel Thomas and Eric Platz. 

Apr 6 
Asesino (2003) 52 min. North American Premiere! 
Directed by Nurit Kedar 
This documentary uses archival footage (often dramatically silent) and 
testimonies to tell the story of the Jewish "disappeared" in Argentina. 
Newsworthy is the charge of Israel's complicity.
with Art and Rememberance: The Legacy of Felix Nussbaum (1993) 81 min. 
Directed by Barbara Pfeffer 
While in hiding in Brussels, Nussbaum created the major body of work 
about the Jews during the Holocaust. Twenty-five years after his murder 
at Auschwitz, the hidden paintings were discovered.
Sun, Apr 6 at 2pm

Apr 6 
The Possessed (2001) 63 min.
Choreography and adaptation by Pearl Lang 
Pearl Lang's interpretation of the S. Ansky's Yiddish classic, The Dybbuk, 
uses film techniques to heighten this beloved drama. Lang herself dances
the main role of Leya.
Sun, Apr 6 at 4pm*
*Q&A with choreographer Pearl Lang & former Lang dancer Harvey Lichtenstein

Apr 6 
Last Dance (2002) 84 min. 
Directed by Mirra Bank
A look at the stormy collaboration of Maurice Sendak and the members of 
Pilobolus as they create A Selection, a dance with a Holocaust theme, 
set to music written in Theresienstadt.
Sun, Apr 6 at 6:15pm* 
*Q&A with director Mirra Bank and author Arthur Yorink 

Apr 6 
Lisa (2000) 109 min.
Directed by Pierre Grimblat 
Grimblat uses his family's long-hidden history to tell a haunting love 
story that teaches the lasting power of love, hatred, and Judaism. 
Featuring French national treasure Jeanne Moreau. In French with English 
Sun, Apr 6 at 9:15pm 

Apr 7 
Asesino (Assasin) (2003) 52 min. North American Premiere! 
Directed by Nurit Kedar
This documentary uses archival footage (often dramatically silent) and 
testimonies to tell the story of the Jewish "disappeared" in Argentina. 
Newsworthy is the charge of Israel's complicity.
Mon, Apr 7 at 4:30pm 

Apr 7
The Klarsfelds (2002) World Premiere! 
Directed by Elizabeth Citroen
For 30 years, the Klarsfelds have been preserving the memory of French 
Jewry and bringing to justice Nazi officials and their French collaborators. 
with One Day Crossing (2000) 
Directed by Joan Stein
This Oscar-nominated film tells a Holocaust story with high emotional 
impact and great artistic control. In Hungarian with English subtitles.
Total running time 77 min. 
Mon, Apr 7 at 6:15pm* 
*Q&A with One Day Crossing writer Christina Lazaridi

Apr 7 
Secret Lives: Hidden Children and Their Rescuers During WWII (2002) 99 min.
Directed by Aviva Slesin 
Music by John Zorn
Oscar winner Slesin tells the emotional story of the relationships of a 
number of Jewish children and the non-Jews who sheltered them at great 
personal risk. 
with Terezin, 1944 
Mon, Apr 7 at 9pm* 
*Q&A with director Secret Lives director Aviva Slesin and 
writer/co-producer Toby Appleton Perl

Apr 8
Talking to the Enemy (1985) 52 min.
Directed by Mira Hamermesh 
Produced before the first "intifada," this documentary follows Muna Hamzeh, 
a Palestinian woman as she visits an Israeli family on their kibbutz. 
Tue, Apr 8 at 4:30pm

Apr 8 & 11
The Inner Tour (2001) 97 min. 
Directed by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz 
A group of Palestinians, many revisiting their old homes, tours Israel 
for three days. This heartbreaking documentary reveals the human side 
of the political conflicts in the Middle East. 
Tue, Apr 8 at 6:20pm 
Fri, Apr 11 at 4pm

Apr 8 
August (2002) 72 min. 
Directed by Avi Mograbi
Subtitled "A Moment Before the Eruption," this tragi-comic documentary 
shows Mograbi's attempt to make a film about what happens in the month 
of August, which is seen as a metaphor for the state of Israeli society.
Tue, Apr 8 at 8:40pm

Apr 9 & 12 
Keep on Walking-Joshua Nelson: The Jewish Gospel Singer (2000) 52 min.
Directed by Tana Ross, Jesper Sorensen, Freke Vuijst, Vibeke Winding
Nelson, a black American Jew, uses his talent for traditional gospel 
music and his charisma to build bridges between races and religions.
Wed, Apr 9 at 4:30pm 
Sat, Apr 12 at 9:15pm* 
*Q&A with director Tana Ross and live performance by singer Joshua 
Nelson with 35-member choir

Apr 9 
Foreign Sister (2000) 124 min. 
Directed by Dan Wolman 
The friendship between Naomi and her Ethiopian-born housekeeper 
transcends differences in age, race, and class and opens Naomi's eyes to 
the reality of life for foreign workers in Israel. Winner of Best Film 
at the 2000 Jerusalem International Film Festival.
Wed, Apr 9 at 6:15pm
Q&A with director Dan Wolman has been cancelled

Apr 9 
The Crucible (1996) 124 min.
Directed by Nicholas Hytner 
With Daniel Day-Lewis, Winona Ryder, Paul Scofield, Joan Allen
Arthur Miller's timeless tale of truth on trial in Salem, MA in 1692 was
written as a response to the McCarthy Communist witch-hunts of the 1950s. 
Wed, Apr 9 at 9:30pm

Apr 10 
Tisch School of the Arts Film Shorts 70 min.
Selected new shorts from NYU's film program. Featuring Micha Smith's 
Black Hats & Short Skits, Danny Greenfield's Allerd Fishbein's In Love, 
Eric Kalb's Silver Bells, Kirill Mikhanovsky's Inhale/Exhale, Yon 
Motskin's The Cutman.
Thu, Apr 10 at 4:30pm

Apr 10 
Rosa Luxemburg (1986) 123 min. 
Directed by Margarethe von Trotta
With Barbara Sukowa 
A poignant and uncompromising dramatization of the struggles German 
revolutionary icon Rosa Luxemburg. 
Thu, Apr 10 at 6:30pm* 
*Q&A with actress Barbara Sukowa and journalist Budd Mishkin

Apr 10 
Robert Capa: In Love and War (2003) 90 min. New York Premiere! 
Directed by Anne Makepeace 
Direct from Sundance comes the story of the Hungarian Jew Andre Friedman 
who reinvented himself as the American Robert Capa, one of the greatest 
war photographers and a hero in the fight against fascism. 
Thu, Apr 10 at 9:45pm

Apr 11
The Inner Tour (2001) 97 min. 
Directed by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz 
A group of Palestinians, many revisiting their old homes, tours Israel 
for three days. This heartbreaking documentary reveals the human side 
of the political conflicts in the Middle East. 
Fri, Apr 11 at 4pm

Apr 11 
The Way We Were (1973) 118 min. 
Directed by Sidney Pollock 
With Robert Redford, Barbra Streisand 
This classic shows how politics destroyed the romance of a leftist 
Jewish woman and her skeptical WASP lover. Columbia Films and the BJFF 
salute the film's 30th anniversary 
with a new print! Fri, Apr 11 at 6:15pm* 
with Nose Job Jews 5 min. 
*Q&A with The Way We Were writer Arthur Laurents & ilm scholar Foster Hirsch

Apr 11
In the Mirror of Maya Deren (2002) 108 min.
Directed by Martina Kudlacek
Music by John Zorn 
Stan Brakhage and Jonas Mekas are among the indie film luminaries paying 
homage to filmmaker Maya Deren whose own films are excerpted in this 
evocative documentary. 
Fri, Apr 11 at 9:30pm

Apr 12 
The Mayor of the West Side (2003) Sneak Preview! 
Directed by Judd Ehrlich
Ehrlich's film tells the story of Mark Puddington, a disabled New Yorker 
who is determined to celebrate his bar mitzvah.
with Are You This Able? (2001) 
Directed by Rony Gruber 
A heartwarming documentary which accompanies a group of Israelis who 
travel to the US to participate in the Very Special Arts Festival.
Total running time 104 min.
Sat, Apr 12 at 1:30pm* 
*Q&A with The Mayor of the West Side director Judd Ehrlich and one of 
the featured subjects, Margaret Puddington

Apr 12 
The Front (1976) 94 min.
Directed by Martin Ritt
Written by Walter Bernstein
With Woody Allen, Zero Mostel 
America's most unlikely hero, the politically innocent Howard Prince 
(Allen) fronts for blacklisted writers in the 50s and eventually comes 
under scrutiny himself. 
Sat, Apr 12 at 4:15pm* 
*Q&A with writer Walter Bernstein and film scholar Foster Hirsch

Apr 12 
The Last Letter (2002) 
Directed by Frederick Wiseman
The first fiction film from legendary documentary filmmaker Wiseman is 
about a woman trapped in a Ukrainian ghetto in 1941, writing a final 
letter to her son. In French with English subtitles.
with One Day Crossing (2000) 
Directed by Joan Stein
This Hungarian language film tells a Holocaust story with high emotional 
impact and great artistic control. In Hungarian with English subtitles.
Total running time 88 min.
Sat, Apr 12 at 7pm

Apr 12
Keep on Walking-Joshua Nelson: The Jewish Gospel Singer (2000) 52 min. 
Directed by Tana Ross, Jesper Sorensen, Freke Vuijst, Vibeke Winding
Nelson, a black American Jew, uses his talent for traditional gospel 
music and charisma to build bridges between races and religions.
Sat, Apr 12 at 9:15pm* 
*Q&A with director Tana Ross and live performance by singer Joshua 
Nelson with 35-member choir.


If you would like to reserve tickets for the Opening Night Party
after the screening of the film please make your check payable
for $15 to the Brooklyn Jewish film Festival for the number of
tickets desired and mail to the Brooklyn Jewish Film Festival,
c/o Jackie Lew, 549 First Street, Brooklyn, New York, 11215. 

Live music with ASEFA, Featuring Samuel Thomas on saxophones, clarinet 
and percussion and Eric Platz on drumset, percussion.

Reserved tickets can be picked up at the festival table on opening night. 

For further information and to reserve tickets, please call Jackie
Lew at 718-768-1860

(Note: Tickets for the opening night film screening must be ordered in 
the usual way through moviefone or purchased at the BAM box office)

Opening Night Party Tickets:  
    Tickets go on sale from March 10 through (search 
    by theater zip code 11217.) Additionally, you may call 777-FILM to 
    order advance and day-of screening tickets. Tickets are also 
    available for sale at the BAM ROSE CINEMA BOX OFFICE.

All screenings are at the BAM Rose Cinemas, 30 Lafayette Avenue.

Programs and showtimes are subject to change. For updated showtimes 
and schedules please check with the BAM box office, or BAMcinematek 
hotline at 718-636-4100. Updates will also be posted on this website. 


Festival Schedule              

    Saturday, April 5th
    7:30 PM: Taking Wing
    9:15 PM: Opening Night Party

    Sunday April 6th
    2:00 PM: Double Bill: Asesino & Art and Rememberance: The Legacy of 
             Felix Nussbaum (begins at 3:00 PM)
    4:00 PM: The Possessed
    6:15 PM: Last Dance
    9:15 PM: Lisa

    Monday, April 7th
    4:30 PM: Asesino 
    6:15 PM: Double Bill: One Day Crossing & The Klarsfelds (begins @7:15PM)
    9:00 PM: Secret Lives: Hidden Children and Their Rescuers During WWII

    Tuesday, April 8th
    4:30 PM: Talking To The Enemy
    6:20 PM: The Inner Tour
    8:40 PM: August: A Moment Before The Eruption

    Wednesday, April 9th
    4:30 PM: Keep on Walking - Joshua Nelson: The Jewish Gospel Singer 
    6:15 PM: Foreign Sister
    9:30 PM: The Crucible

    Thursday, April 10th
    4:30 PM: Student Films From NYU Tisch School of the Arts 
    6:30 PM: Rosa Luxembourg
    9:45 PM: Robert Capa in Love and War

    Friday, April 11th
    4:00 PM: The Inner Tour
    6:15 PM: The Way We Were
    9:30 PM: In the Mirror of Maya Deren

    Saturday, April 12th
    1:30 PM: Double Bill: Mayor of the West Side & Are You Able? (begi (at) 3PM)
    4:15 PM: The Front
    7:00 PM: Double Bill: One Day Crossing & Last Letter
    9:15 PM: Keep on Walking - Joshua Nelson: The Jewish Gospel Singer


Tickets Prices:
    General admission: $10.00.  Seniors: $6.00.  
    Students: $7.00 (with valid ID)

    A dinner and movie package on Friday-Saturday nights at BAM café is 
    available for only $31 (at the box office only). For more 
    information, call the BAMcinématek hotline at (718)636.4100. 

BAM Rose Cinemas
30 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11217
tel. 718.636.4129 x 3
fax: 718.636.4179

   Subway: 1, 2, 4, 5, Q Local, and Q Express to Atlantic Avenue
           W, M, N, R to Pacific St.G to Fulton St. C to Lafayette Ave.  
   Train: Long Island Railroad to Flatbush Avenue 
   Car: Commercial parking lots are located adjacent to BAM.

For more information, see
or the website of BAM, . You may also call BAMcinématek 
hotline at (718)636.4100.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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