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Re: Yoselle Rosenblatt: Melech Elyon

Dear David,

In all Ashkenazi Rosh Hashanah machzorim that I have at
home, the third verse of the Melekh Elyon which appears
in the Mussaf section of the first day, reads:

"Melekh Elyon! Hamedabeir bitsdaka. Haloveish tsedaka,
hama'azin tze'akah, la'adei ad yimlokh!"

You were probably looking at the Melekh Elyon which
appears in the Shacharit section of the *second* day.
This one has an entirely different text.

If someone wants to add something about the Rosenblatt
melody, I'm interested as well.

 Irwin Oppenheim
 i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl

 Chazzanut Online:

On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, dchevan wrote:

> I need help with a Yoselle Rosenblatt recording from
> Sept. 6, 1927 of a Rosh Hashanah prayer: Melech
> Elyon.  On the recording a choir conducted by Meir
> Machtenberg sings this big Verdi-esque melody for
> most of the piece, but exactly at the 2:00 minute
> mark on my CD player the choir stops and a boy
> soprano (Herbert Zlotnick) and Rosenblatt sing a
> hauntingly beautiful duet.  Here's the problem I'm
> trying to solve: they are singing the words "Medaber
> b'Tzedakah, Lovesh B'Tzedakah."  In my Mahzor those
> words don't appear anywhere in Melech Elyon.  So, my
> question is, where does this passage come from? Does
> anyone familiar with the Rosh HaShanah liturgy
> recognize this phrase ( a beautiful image, I might
> add)?  I'd like to know where I might locate it in a
> Mahzor and maybe even a bit more about this melody.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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