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Reva L'Sheva and Even Sh'Siyah perform in Chicago

Is it 4:20? No, it's Reva L'Sheva (Quarter to Seven) 
<A HREF="";>Kfar Jewish Arts Center</A> 
presents a concert featuring Israeli rock band
<A HREF="";>Reva L'Sheva</A>   
plus Chicago's Even Sh'Siyah
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Sunday, March 9th 7:30pm, 6:45 doors 
Ryan Family Auditorium (Tech @ Northwestern) 
2145 Sheridan, Evanston
3 blocks from Noyes St. 'L' 

Reva L'Sheva weaves together the folk rock sound of The Grateful Dead, 
melodies by hippie Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and African rhythms for 
Israeli-style world-beat grooves. 

Even Sh'Siyah, a Chicago band, performs Allman Brother's style jams in Hebrew 
for a tasty Semitic-spiced sonic stew.  

Tickets at the door: $20.00
Tickets in Advance:$18.00 @ <A 
HREF="";></A> or @ Rosenblum's on 

Seats are selling fast, so reserve your tickets with an email to: 
events (at) kfarcenter(dot)com or call 773.550.1543.

To hear mp3's of either band, or to get additional info, visit   <A 


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