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Re: Kol Isha: legal implications

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On 04/03/2003 at 20:26 MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>In a message dated 3/4/2003 6:46:02 PM Central Standard Time, 
>ari (at) ivritype(dot)com writes:
>> Unless someone wants to set it to music, of course.
>You must remember this:
>A bris is still a bris,
>So don't give a geshrai...
>The halacha will still apply
>Though time's gone by....
>And when some yidn meet,
>The woman's voice so sweet
>Isn't kosher for a guy...
>Unless she's a shiksa (don't ask why)
>Though time's gone by!
>Ok, hit me.... ;-)
>Lori (at) MAX


That's priceless Lori. Can we now look forward to hearing this on Maxwell
Street's next album? Or a single, perhaps?

(In best Bogey impersonation) "Sing it, Lori!" ;-)

(Renaissance Man)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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