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Re: Storing CDs? (cont'd)

Dear Robert, 

In a message dated 3/3/03 5:38:02 PM, richards (at) 
rainlore(dot)demon(dot)co(dot)uk writes:

>CDs, esp. when still shrink-wrapped and boxed, are pretty hardy animals.
>Off-hand, I don't know the _exact_ temperature range (it's also slightly
>different for pressed CDs and CD-Rs), but conditions such as commonly
>encountered in east coast US areas shouldn't pose too much of a problem,
>the average garage or basement should be perfectly fine, even in respect
>humidity unless there is actual damp to soak through the boxes. Unless
>you're likely to have them exposed to temperatures in excess of 100F or
>below about -10F for prolongued periods, you have little to worry about.

I would (mostly) agree with the statement above. CD-Rs are more susceptible 
to humidity and temperature change than pressed CDs. But you are dealing with 
pressed CDs here anyway. Excessive heat is more a concern than excessive 
cold. I don't know exact temperatures either, but I'd say *prolonged* temps 
above 90 F. rather than say 100 F. might be chancy--otherwise, I think you're 
fine. You might want to just call one the big pressing plants in the US--like 
Discmakers, e.g. (in NJ I think) and ask to speak someone in the tech staff 
(or the mastering engineer). See what they say. Good luck.

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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