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Max Epstein's "goyishe" notes

on 27 Feb. Avi Finegold wrote about the Epstein Brothers:

"... one of them says that always played this tune from f#
to g, to which the elder brother retorts. "i dont play
those goyishe notes". it was, to me one of the
funniest things ever on film. now of course it was
said somewhat tongue in cheek,..."

This is the second time I've now heard this rumour about Max Epstein and the
"goyishe notes" and, as someone who was closely associated with Max for a
period of 10 years (and since the film A Tickle in the Heart was based on my
research and writing), I would like to clarify this once and for all:

Max Epstein did not say "goyishe notes". He said (and I don't have the exact
quote as I don't have access to my video at the moment) something like "I
never play GRACE notes like that". Max used his throat to enunciate his r's,
which might have led to this unfortunate misconception.

Joel Rubin
rubin (at) rubin-ottens(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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