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Szol a kakas mar : Thank you

Dear List members

I want to thank all the people who gave me information about the song "szol a 
kakas mar". To Paul Ungar who sent the text, a special thank. I am loading your 
arrangment of it as I am writing this email. I could read the accents. So no 
need for you Sam to work hard to write it down for me. This is perfect. I thank 
you so much for the Yiddish version.
I wonder why this song has become so popular, what in it strikes so much to 
make it one of the rare songs that is widely known among Hungarian Jews, 
Chassidic or not, pious or or not... Any ideas ?
Thanks to all.

Hélène Engel.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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