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Re: Applied Ethnomusicology Conference @ Brown University, March 8-9, 2003

In a message dated 2/26/2003 9:39:54 AM Central Standard Time, 
joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net writes:

> 9:30-11:00am: Turn Your Radio On: The Responsibility of Media to Musical
> Communities.
> Nick Spitzer, American Routes and University of New Orleans
> Henry Sapoznik, Yiddish Radio Project

This sounds like a neat little bit of advocacy.  Maybe if there is a 
publication, it could be shared with us.  I recently made an appeal on this 
basis to our local NPR station (which plays almost exclusively jazz--very 
little folk, no classical), on the basis of the good it does to help support 
Chicago's diverse ethnic communities and the continuation of their cultural 
heritage.  I don't think it made much impact, unfortunately.  (The Yiddish 
Radio Project, to Henry's credit, was the major exception this year to our 
station's tendency not to air ethnic music.)

My own story is that I first heard klezmer 25 years ago on the local 
classical station's folk music program (and, as they say, the rest is 
history).  So I would be the first to say that radio can play a vital role in 
helping promote the survival of folk music within the communities it serves.

Lori (at) Max

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