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Re: Looking for a song in Yiddish

Simon, I think I may have found it:

Shlof, mayn gdule!
Makh tsu dayne
Eygelekh di fayne
Gants gikh un geshvind
Un shtey oyf vider
Mit gezunde glider,
Mayn lib-zises kind!

It doesn't have a name, but it is #77 (page 68) in the 1901 book Yidishe 
folkslider in rusland by S. M. Ginzburg and P. S. Marek.  Unfortunately, 
the book has no musical notation and there are quite a number of the 
songs that I don't know the melodies for.  Does anyone know if the music 
exists for this book of song texts?


Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>Anybody out there know this song??
><< I don't know the name, but 
>phonetically, it starts out "Ayle lu le, Mein Gedule, 
>Schlof ze eigalzch tzu."
> >>

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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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