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Re: kol isha /re-action/Avi's post


Dear Avi:

 I would suggest that you actually go back and read my posting again. That you would think it was Okay to write offensive stuff to me is atrocious. What do Neo-Nazis have to do with what I said? You do not wish to believe that G-d loves everyone...then don't bench this morning. Stop being a Jew. Because there is enough evidence to support that HaShem DOES love everyone. I didn't SAY that I did. And of course, that doesn't mean that G-d LIKES everything that everyone does on this Earth. I suggest that when you get to Paradise you take it up with HaShem.

In the mean time, to express a desire for good will amongst people, ESPECIALLY Jews, does in no way connotate that I support atrocious behavior. Ever met a Neo Nazi??? I have. And I would say without compunction that I don't want anyone, especially a Jew, telling me that my expressing a desire to support Women  under Oppressive Circumstances, is akin to supporting Nazis. That's just Nasty, Spiteful and Plain Disrespectful.

It's just crappy hyperbole on your part. And you're smarter than that.

Book or don't book Women at your Festival. Put asteriks and symbols next to their names to Identify them as Women...enjoy. Hey maybe G-d loves you...but doesn't like Kol Isha. It's a Man Made Institution. And I will always believe that HaShem wants fairness in the World, even if some people refuse to exercise their Free Will and help make it happen.

Genug. You want to support Kol Isha...your choice. Fine. I refuse to do so.

Trudi Goodman


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