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JEWISH-MUSIC digest 2517

Dear writers to the list,

Edwin Seroussi has been in residence for a month here in Houston, giving
lectures on four subjects for the Bunny and Leo Horvitz
Scholar-in-Residence program: I - Popular Musc and Israeli Cultural
Identity  II - Eastern European Jewish Music and its American Twists  III -
Sound and Music of the Synagogue   IV - Judeo-Spanish Mystique. He said
that the Regev-Seroussi book will be out next year.  He was universally
praised for his encyclopedic knowledge of so many aspects of Jewish music -
and for being an engaging speaker.  He's off to Mexico City now to give
similar lectures but, of course, in Spanish.  A treat for me was to
collaborate with him in a program called "Judeo-Islamic Dialogues: Music as
a Bridge Between Cultures in Conflict".  My Houston-based East/West
Ensemble performed Sephardic, Arabic and Israeli songs at the famed Rothko
Chapel, the songs serving as illustrations for his remarks and comparisons
with his field recordings. 

If any of you out there are thinking about inviting him for a residency,
don't hesitate.....he's an extraordinary speaker.

Shabbat Shalom,

Isabelle Ganz

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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