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Strauss/Warschauer in CT

Branford Folk Music Society presents

Strauss/Warschauer Duo
  Klezmer Music and Yiddish Song    

in concert
Saturday, March 8, 2003
8:00 PM

 Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer are two musicians deeply committed to 
klezmer music and Yiddish song.  They are both members of the Klezmer 
Conservatory Band and have performed with violinist Itzhak Perlman on film 
and in concert. As they sing and play in shifting combinations of violin, 
guitar, mandolin and accordion, they create a dynamic atmosphere with an 
exceptional range of feeling - from delicate and refined to exhuberant and 

Trinity Church on the Green
1109 Main Street 
Branford, CT

Admission:  $8.00 members
$10.00 nonmembers
$3.00 children

For information:

call: 203-488-7715

or check

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