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European Judaism Journal

Thought many would want to know about this:
We've just received our October, 2002 issue of European Judaism. It's a
scholarly journal published bi-annually in association with Leo Baeck
College Centre for Jewish Education in London.

Vol. 35, no. 2, Autumn 2002 Issue no. 69

Special section devoted to "Dimensions of Jewish music"

"The Moon of Moses" by Erika Fox pp. 3-12
"The Voices of Ruth and Naomi: Cultural Transformation through Librettos and
Music", by Helen Leneman, pp 13-25.
"Salamone Rossi, Judaism and the Musical Canon" by Michelene Wandor,
"Jewish Sacred Music by Israeli Composers" by Yuval Shaked, pp.36-42.
"Commemoration and Crativity: Remembering the Holocaust in Today's Yiddish
Song" by Abigail Wood, pp.43-56.
"From Bible to Berlin (Irving)" by Jonathan Magonet, pp.57-72.

Subscription requests:

email: journals (at) berghahnbooks(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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