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Re: Enrico Macias

Muchas gracias for the Macias info.

Sylvia Schildt

on 1/30/03 12:40 PM, mashke (at) attbi(dot)com at mashke (at) attbi(dot)com 

> (Canadian mail order Cd commpany) has it.
> Dick
>> Macias is magnificent, haunting at times, funny also.  We discovered him
>> back in the 70's while watching TV in a Quebec motel of all places  He is
>> well known there, virtually unknown in the States. Everytime we visited
>> Quebec we would try to pick up his latest.
>> How does one procure this latest CD???
>> Sylvia Schildt
>> on 1/30/03 6:21 AM, JOAN RUNDO at joarundo (at) tin(dot)it wrote:
>> Another link to Jewish musicians/singers of the Arab world is Enrico Macias,
>> née Gaston Ghrenassia (his dad played with Cheik Raymond, if I'm not
>> mistaken)-when I first went to Paris in the late seventies I fell in love
>> with his songs..."Soleil, soleil de mon pays perdu..." Ah!
>> Eva
>> The other day I read about a new CD that's just come out by Enrico Macias
>> called Oranges amères (Bitter oranges), again on the theme of the Algeria he
>> left behind.
>> Joan

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