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Sounds of America

Dear Fellow Listers

I have just had the great pleasure to listen to another recording of
Adrianne Greenbaum's. While not klezmer related in any way, it still seems
relevant to this list as it includes compositions by prominent Jewish
American composers.

On Sounds of America, flautist Adrianne Greenbaum is teamed with pianist
Alissa Lieser in a series of mainly light classical pieces by a variety of
American composers. The selection is exquisite and covers a much wider
spectrum of composers than can usually be found on such recordings. The
title is ambitious, but Sounds of America succeeds in being an uncommonly
representative cross-section of American music of the 20th century, and
even in being quintessentially American. It succeeds by embracing as wide a
range of American song (mainly) as an album of this kind permits, including
musical theatre, ballads, instrumental songs, even an early jazz standard. 

Adrianne Greenbaum, one of the most outstanding artists of the flute of our
age, is beautifully complemented by Alissa Lieser's piano on this beautiful
recording. If anybody needs convincing of Ms. Lieser's talents and
artistry, let them listen to Jelly Roll Morton's Shreveport Stomp - it is
undoubtedly one of the finest interpretations of this standard that it's
been my pleasure to come across. The empathy of both musicians with their
chosen composers and pieces is outstanding. They present these light or
popular classics with uncommon depth as well as a refreshing enthusiasm and
sense of exploration.

The excellent liner notes provide further insight into the selections and
their composers.

Sounds of America is an album that one finds oneself drawn to listen to
again and again, a bit of a rarity in itself among recordings of light
classics. Most such recordings tend to be pleasant enough, but often simply
do not hold the listeners interest beyond the occasional casual listen.
Sounds of America not only holds the listener's interest, but arouses
curiosity and interest in investigating some of the music and composers in
greater depth perhaps.

Grab it if you can!

Sounds of America by Adrianne Greenbaum and Alissa Lieser should be
available from Ms. Greenbaum herself (AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com) and

Richard - "Renaissance Man"

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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