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Re: article about Hatikvah Music

In a message dated 1/23/3 1:39:03 PM, sandralayman (at) earthlink(dot)net 

<< There's an article on Hatikvah Music in the latest issue of the Forward: >>

Dear Sandra,

Thank you for 'the heads up' on the article....I just finished reading it, 
and I'm calling my lawyer ;-)

Though it's always flattering having an article written about you, there were 
a few 'minor' mistakes and omissions that should be clarified.

The article gave the impression that I produced the CDs "Music of The 
Mountain Jews" and "Italian Jewish Musical Traditions". I wish that were the 
case since these are both excellent recordings.  Though we do distribute 
these recordings, they were produced at the University in Jerusalem.

As members of this list should already know, fellow list member Francesco 
Spagnolo is the creative force behind "Italian Jewish Musical Traditions" 
which is one of our top 5 selling CDs for the year 2002!!!

I've also had a some e-mail as to who the "famous cantor" is mentioned in the 
article. His name is BenZion Miller, and he will be giving another concert 
Feb 23 at Valley Beth Shalom with Yaakov Motzen and others.

Change of topic:

Last year we put out a list of our top sellers in the various categories. 
We've had a few requests to do it for 2002. Is this anything of interest to 
the member on this list?
Thank You
Hatikvah Music
323) 655-7083

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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