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RE: Songs from the Middle East

I would like to inform anyone on this list that is within reach of London,
that Dafna Dori will be teaching a special course at SOAS University of
London, of  SONGS FROM THE MIDDLE EAST. This will be in the form of a weekly
workshop. songs in Hebrew, Arabic and Judeo-Spanish, alongside tips for
voice care. Open to anyone, no musical experience required. Instrumentalists
welcome! 8 sessions, starting 20th January: Mondays 7.30 - 8.45pm, room G57,
soas. Fees for the whole course: £50, but £30 for full time students.
Tutor: Dafna Dori 134715 (at) soas(dot)ac(dot)uk

Do email her on the address above if you would like to attend.



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---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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