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A source of recordings

I don't own stock in H & B Direct, I don't intend to be an advertisement 
for them, and the thought has even been expressed in some of these 
discussions that we should patronize the Judaica shops first.  But having 
bought from H & B in the past I now receive their (monthly?) advertising 
mailer, which arrives in the form of 48-page catalog, in tabloid format, 
of CDs of historical art music (formerly dba "classical music.")  This 
month's sprinkling of Judaica is typical: (The lower price is if you join 
the club.)

Ran Shulamit: Chamber Music NWR 80554 $17.30/15.57
Dave Tarras: Tanz! SNY 86320 $13.20/11.88
New Budapest Orpheum Society: Dancing on the Edge of a Volcano (Jewish 
Music Collection) CDL 065 $17.70/15.93
Perlman, Klezmer Conservatory Band, Statman, Brave Old World: In the 
Fiddler's House ANG 55555 $16.60/13.97
Miguel Sanchez, Alia Musica: El Canto Espiritual Judeoespanol/Music of the 
Jewish-Spanish Tradition HAR 98.7015 $17.70/14.97
Petr Matuszek (bar): Songs by Czech holocaust Victims (Haas, Krasa, 
Schulhoff) SPR 3334 $17.30/14.98
Josef Myslivecek (1737-1781): Abramo ed Isacco, oratorio in two parts 2SPR 
3209 $34.60/29.96 [I don't know if the composer was Jewish, but his 
subject certainly is]
Trio Lorand, Quartet Asaf, Lorand, Kovacs, Kohn, Handler: Synagogal Chants 
SPR 3073 $12.20/10.56
Salamone Rossi (1570 ? c. 1630): Songs of Solomon Vol. 1 (Milnes/ New York 
Baroque) DRN 93210 $17.30/15.57

One could as easily visit their web site,, or call (800) 
222-6872, or simply use them as a source of information.  In fact, they 
don't actually maintain a warehouse of all these recordings, and by the 
time they get a recording and forward it to a customer there's sometimes a 
considerable delay.

Fred Blumenthal
xd2fabl (at) us(dot)ibm(dot)com

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