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This weeks "Forward Hour" on WMCA 570 AM in NYC Sat. Jan. 11, 800 PM
will feature the CD Yidishe Momme, a recently released compilation of
old Russiand and Soviet 78s. An amazing CD and so little is known
about the artists.

 I can report that the "kapella Yevokans" who sing amazing
arrangments of yiddish folksongs are the "Yiddish vokal-ensemble" [Yi
- vok- ens] from kiev, 1920s. One of the singers children lives in
Jerusalem and i hope to speak to him about the group.

You can hear the Forverts-hour on line at, go to stored
programs. The last four programs are kept on line for a while.

?Ýitzik gottesman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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