Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: WTC Virus

That's an old virus....It originated just after 9/11, and evidently is still 
making the rounds.

Like many of you, I receive the "klez" virus in various guises at least once 
a day.  Don't download things you're not expecting, and if you're not sure 
what it is, email the sender back (so that if it was sent using another 
person's address, they'll alert you).
And always have a good backup.

I am pretty sure Ari doesn't want us jamming up the listserv with virus 
warnings, so if you follow these commonsense rules, you won't need to post 
'em (no offense intended!)

Since that's not on a musical subject, please try singing the above message 
to the tune of "Maoz Tzur."  Happy New Year!


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