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forwarding announcement

Forwarding call for Participation. Please excuse any duplication.



From: Mathilde Coen-Sarano paz3 (at) zahav(dot)net(dot)il

           Mony Moreno Ermoza tel: 972-52-670443

Festiladino, Kompetision de Kantigas muevas en ladino 2003

Sherover Hall, Jerusalem Theater,

Jerusalem Fetsival for the Arts

April 7, 2003

Administrative Director:

Eli Matityahu

Elimati (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

Tels:972-2-6790886, 972-54-338595

PO Box 53175, Jerusalem, Israel

Fax: 972-2-6780022

Jerusalem, November 15, 2002

Appeal to Composers to participate in the Festival.


The heritage and the culture of the Ladino has acquired increasing support
in the Israeli Society. In order to preserve and renew this cultural
heritage, we are initiating for the first time, a competition Festival of
original Ladino songs.

The Festival will be under the auspices of the Jerusalem Arts Festival, due
to take place in April 2003.

The final Festival performance will be conducted on stage in the Sherover
Hall in the Jerusalem Theatre, and event of high artistic direction and
stature, and wide public exposure.

We hereby appeal to song Writers and Composers alike, to participate in this
event, according and subject to the under mentioned regulations.

We wish you every success

Mony Moreno Armoza                  Matilda Koén-Sarano

Festival Directorship


  1.. Essence of the project: National Competition with awards given  for
the most original text, melody and performance in Ladino, performed by
amateur Performers.

  1.. The Competition will be part of Jerusalem Arts Festival.

  1.. Aims of the Project: to encourage the writing, composing and
performing of new songs in Ladino while encouraging and supporting the
principle of Ladino culture, amongst Composers and Performers, in order to
expose the public in general to the Ladino heritage and with the intention
of turning the Festival into an ongoing tradition.

  1.. Management of the Project:

i.         The Producer of this project is the "Ladino Cultural Society" -
Minhal Lev Ha'ir.

ii.       The Art Manager - Mr. Yossi Debara.

iii.      The Production Manager - Mr. Mony Armoza.

iv.     The Administrative Manager - Mr. Eli Matatiyahu.

v.       The Competition Headquaters- Yossi Debara, Mony Armoza, Eli
Matatiyahu, Ziva Almagor, Yossi Ben Yisrael, Matilda Koén-Sarano. These
persons will nominate two Judgment Committees

·  Foundation of the preliminary stages

·  Judgement of the final stages

vi.     The Members of the Judgement Committee will be professional in
themselves, in the field of Ladino culture, music and the theatre arts.

  1.. Judgement:

i.         At first, the Judges will choose 10 songs worthy of the finals
accredited to their lyrics and composition.

ii.       The songs, chosen in the first stage, will be anded to their
Performers in compliance with their Composers. In any case, the final
decision-making will be at the hands of the Judgement Committee.  At the
final stage of the Competition, the Judges will decide upon 3 winning songs,
based on the following criteria:

·  Lyrics

·  Melody

·  Context

·  General presentation

·  Audience judgement

  1.. Awards:

i.         The Participants in the the first stage will be awarded a
certificate of participation

ii.       The three songs that gain top entry will be given monetary awards,
to be divided up evenly amongst the song Writer, Composer, and Performers.

iii.      The sums of the monetary awards will be decided at a later date.

  1.. General Procedures:

                This project will be carried out in accordance with the
above mentioned

                       regulations, and in general in accordance with the
procedures as


i.         The contest of song writing and composing is open to the general

ii.       The Performers will be Amateurs of ages 14 and above.

iii.      In the preliminary stage, Participants may send up to 3 songs,
recorded on cassette tape or C.D.

iv.     The Festival Board will receive the top 10 recommendations from the
preliminary Judgment Committee, and in turn, will refer the songs to the
Performers according to it's discretion only.

v.       The Performers in the final stage will be accompanied by the
Festival's  live Orchestra.

vi.     The length of each song will be between 3 and 3:30.

vii.    A song that has been published in any way or form, is strictly
forbidden in this contest.

viii.  It is forbidden to publish any song that is being presented in this
contest in the entire duration of the contest.

ix.     The Participants will not receive any form of financial fee for work
done in the framework of this project.

x.       The Participants will commit themselves to participating in all
rehearsals with the Orchestra, according to the timetable of the Orchestra.

xi.     The Festival board has the right to debate on subjects not defined
by the above rules, and to change the rules in case of controversy.

  1.. Procedures of song presentation at the Preliminary Stage:

i.         The contesting song will be presented in type-written form, in
Latin lettering, and with Hebrew translation, music score of the
accompanying melody and an actual high quality recording of the song.  This
will be placed in an envelope marked: Lyrics and Musical Score -Envelope #1.
This envelope will not contain name or any identifying mark of the

ii.       A second envelope will contain the detail of the song Writer, the
Composer and the Performer. Also, a declaration of total commitment, signed
by all to do with the song; Performers, song Writer, and Composer, will be
put into this envelope. This envelope will be marked: Envelope #2.

iii.      These 2 envelopes shall be enclosed in a third envelope. This
envelope will be marked: Festiladino - Ladino Song Contest - P.O.B. 53175,
Jerusalem, Israel, and will be sent by registered mail arriving at this
address no later than the January 15, 2003.

iv.     If a Participant has more than one song entry, then each song will
be sent in separate envelopes, according to the above stated mailing

v.       Failure to comply to the above stated regulations will cause
immediate disqualification of any song.

  1.. General Remarks:

i.         The judges for the preliminary stage of the Competition will
choose 10 songs, according to the above stated regulations,  worthy of the
final stage.

ii.       The decisions of the Committee are final and irretractable.

iii.      The presentation of any song to the contest will be considered as
an acceptance of the of the lawful owners of the composition to all the
clauses of the regulations - Composers, Writers and Performers alike and it
is their responsibility of the Presenter of the song at the contest.

iv.     All rights pertaining to the songs, persay, taping of the songs,
photographing the performance, projection, as well as playing the songs for
the media, belong to the festival board.

v.       The option of making a live recording of the performance and
recording it on compact disc, will be investigated.

vi.     The Festival Board will welcome any desire to participate,

       and is available for more details if and when necessary.

Dear Participant,

Please fill in the details of the song and details of the Composers as

Name of the song: ______________________________________________

                                           Lyrics                Melody
Performer        Signature
      Tel. # 1
      Tel. # 2

We, the Undersigned, hereby are the Creators of this composition and wish to
present it to the Ladino Festival. We agree to all that is mentioned in the
above stated regulations.


______________                          ______________

    Song Writer                                     Composer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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