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RE: zydowski & Kolberg

Steve Weintraub [mailto:dancinsteve (at) attbi(dot)com] wrote:
 While doing some research at the Spertis Center library I came across
an illustration of an obviously Jewish couple (he had payes) dancing a
ZYDOWSKI (according to the ribbon below them). A quick check on our
friendly internet yeilded this site: with a midi version of a
zydowski and this info:Collection of 15 contemporary arrangements
(three-voice) of folk melodies from the Mazovian region, gathered by
<> Oskar Kolberg (1814-1890)  
the tune sounded pretty Jewish, or Jewish friendly. Anyone have any
more info about the music, or better still, the type of dance?
In the 30 or 40-plus volumes of Kolberg's ethnographic work (_Dziela
wszystkie_), there are a few examples of Jewish dance tunes.
 I'm not sure which volume I'm thinking of, but I think it was the one
dealing with Pokucie, vol. 31, pt. 3.  No doubt there are many
other Jewish references scattered elsewhere throughout the series.
Paul Gifford

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