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London New Year's Klezmer Party and Open Mic with Strauss/Warschauer Duo, plus Workshops January 1 and 2

To All Klezmer Fans in the London area or who can reach us.  Already we have

several bookings, for the Party and New Year Workshops by Deborah Strauss

and Jeff Warschauer, even some from France!!  Its time to book up now. You

can book for all these on the registration form below.

The JMI is pleased to invite you to their


An evening of musical and culinary delights to welcome the coming 12 months

in style, in the company of old and new friends and family.

Hosted by New York Klezmer stars Deb & Jeff, music will feature throughout

the soirée, including professional and amateur performances and an open mike

for YOUR participation!

Come and join us!  Prime catering, drinks and all extras are included in the

price of £30.  The venue will be the London Jewish Cultural Centre in

Hampstead.  Ask us for exact details.  The nearest underground stations are

Finchley Road and Finchley Road & Frognal, which are but a short bus hop


Please find below a registration form, which includes enrolment for Deb &

Jeff’s classes on 1st and 2nd January.  Book soon as space is limited.  For

more details you can call us on 7898 4307 or 020 8909 2445 or email us on

jewishmusic (at) jmi(dot)org(dot)uk <mailto:jewishmusic (at) 
jmi(dot)org(dot)uk> .

We hope to see you there!!

The JMI team: Geraldine, Lloica, Yvonne, Barbara et al



Registration Form for Klezmer Workshops and Classes 
SOAS University of London Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG 
And New Year's Eve party. 
Spring 2003               Jewish Music Institute Tel 020 8909 2445   Fax 020 
8909 1030 
You may use this form to book for one or more workshops and classes.  Please 
delete the events you are not booking for, save it in your files with your 
name and attach it to an email and send to klezmer (at) jmi(dot)org(dot)uk  or 
post with 
cheque to JMI P O Box 232, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NN 
Klezmer classes at SOAS Spring Term (9 sessions between 7 January and 19 
Teacher for Spring Term Sophie Solomon. 
• [     ]   Full rate: £90 for the term
• [     ]   Student rate £27 for full time students at SOAS 
Remittance  £

Workshop with Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer  
instrumental Klezmer music, Yiddish song and dance
Wednesday 1 January 2.30 – 5.30pm  
London Jewish Cultural Centre, The Old House, Kidderpore Avenue,  NW3.  
• [     ]   Rate: £25
Remittance  £
Workshop with Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer 
instrumental Klezmer music, Yiddish song and dance
Thursday 2 January – 4.00pm  
Room G2 SOAS, University of London 
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG 
• [     ]   Rate: £30
Remittance  £
Private Klezmer Workshop with Deborah Strauss and Jeff Warschauer 
Thursday 2 January
Time by arrangement.   Room G2 SOAS, University of London 
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG 
• [     ]   Rate: by arrangement
Remittance  £

New Year's Eve party Hampstead £30 including food and drink     £

I enclose a cheque for total amount: [    ] made out to ‘JMI’ 

Or debit my Visa or Mastercard No:   

Expiry Date ……………………

Please put an x in the appropriate box: Proficiency level:  intermediate[    
]   advanced[    ]    professional[    ]
Experience at Klezmer:   none[    ]      a little[   ]     a lot [    ]      
I perform with the following ensembles:
I attended KlezFest 2001 at SOAS  yes [    ]    no[    ]/ I attended 
KlezFest/Ot Azoy!  2002 at SOAS   yes[    ]    no[    ]
Send to Jewish Music Institute, SOAS, P O Box 232, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2NN 
Tel 020 8909 2445   Fax 020 8909 1030 e-mail  klezmer (at) jmi(dot)org(dot)uk  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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