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"(I'm Spending) Hanukkah In Santa Monica."

Original message:

>From BrittGood (at) aol(dot)com Sun Dec  1 10:11:18 2002

Subject: Re: Chanukah in Santa Monica

Like most of Tom Lehrer's songs, I love it!
Since I've never heard it before, can anyone tell me what
melody is used (to the tune of ...?) or where I can
hear it for myself, on a CD, website, whatever?
Britt Goodman


This was actually answered in the Jewish music discussion group last 

Tom Lehrer's "(I'm Spending) Hanukkah In Santa Monica" (that's Tom's 
spelling of Chanukah) was first released -- or did it escape? -- on 
the Larry Milder album "Bible & Beyond".

A clip can be heard in Real Audio at

But if you want to hear Tom Lehrer himself singing his own tune in 
its entirely, you'll have to get the three-CD Rhino Records boxed 
set "The Remains of Tom Lehrer". It's fairly expensive, but available 
 from a number of distributors.

According to an article by Tom Tugend of the Jewish Telegraphic 
Agency, "(I'm Spending) Hanukkah In Santa Monica" was written in the 
early '90s for Garrison Keillor's Saturday radio show "The American 
Radio Company."

Happy Chanukah and/or Hanukkah,

Ethan Minovitz
Co-Host, Anthology of Jewish Music
CFRO-FM 102.7 (Vancouver Cooperative Radio)

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