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Re: talmudic discourse on xmas

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alex J. Lubet" <lubet001 (at) umn(dot)edu>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2002 1:22 PM
Subject: talmudic discourse on xmas

> A couple of years ago someone posted a Talmud-inspired discourse on the
> Halachah of Xmas, which I seem to have lost between computers.  Could it
> please be re-posted?
> Chappy Chanukah,
> --
> Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
> Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
> Adjunct Professor of American and Jewish Studies
> Head, Division Of Composition and Music Theory
> University of Minnesota
> 2106 4th St. S
> Minneapolis, MN 55455
> 612 624-7840 612 624-8001 (fax)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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