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Andy Statman Trio: on stage and on the radio

Happy Holidays to all!

A busy week for the Andy Statman Trio (Andy on clarinet and mandolin,
Jim Whitney on bass and Larry Eagle on percussion):

On Friday, November 29th, you can hear the Trio live on WNYC (93.9 FM).
John Schaefer's afternoon show Soundcheck starts at
2 PM and the performance/interview segment should begin at about 2:30.
(If you miss it, or live outside the NY broadcast area, the show will
be broadcast and archived at

Sunday, December 1st, the Trio's concert at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art is sold out.

Monday night (and next Thursday - not this week), we're back at the
Charles Street Synagogue (53 Charles at West 4th) at 8:30 PM

Wednesday night, December 4th, we're performing at the
Philadelphia Museum of Art:

and, on Sunday, December 8th, you can see us at Town Hall as
part of a benefit for Magen David Adom:

For more:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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