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Re: Question re dedication of new reading desk for shul

I would enthusiastically second the suggestion which I was about to make 
*before* saw it ... first-ed:  "Eits Chayim Hi"--in any, obviously--of 
numerous versions.

It speaks in praise of the Torah--which I assume will be read/chanted from 
the new desk?--and, of course, invokes a metaphor of trees--or, in a sense, 

Congratulations, meanwhile, on the acquisition and the dedication!  And for 
carrying on the cause of New Zealand Jewry--I'd *love* to hear what prayers 
sound like (and the Torah sounds like) when chanted there!

--Robert Cohen

>Hello from NZ  - I have a question and need a suggestion fairly quickly.
>We are dedicating a new reading desk for the shul next Shabbat, first day
>Hanukkah etc, and we are planning a small ceremony to begin with.
>Can anyone think of a good song, most preferably in Hebrew, which might fit
>the occasion??
>Thanks - as always - for the help and suggestions on this list.
>Sue Esterman
>Temple Sinai, Wellington, NZ

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