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another Jew makes a "holiday" album

a review copy of the new Barry Manilow CD, "A X-mas Gift of Love" (that's
not how they spell X-mas) arrived in today's mail.

needless to say, there aren't any Jewish-themed song on the album.

at least he had the guts to call the album by its true name, and not hide
behind "Holiday," as many do.

(as for if it's any good, I don't feel the pressing need to listen and find
out... but eventually I will).

Seth Rogovoy
author of "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots and
"even the most clueless goy will be able to appreciate this art form" --
Linda Daily Paulson, Dirty Linen Magazine

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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