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Merkavah, Nov 23, Brookline, MA

> Mailing-List: list tbz-haverim (at) yahoogroups(dot)com; contact
> tbz-haverim-owner (at) yahoogroups(dot)com
> Reply-To: "Reb Moshe Waldoks" <rebmoshe (at) templebethzion(dot)org>

I am writing to inform you of an exciting event that will happen on Saturday,
November 23rd at Temple Beth Zion at 8:30 p.m.  Merkavah, a musical group
representing the new wave of Israeli World Music, will perform original music
integrating modern and ancient instruments, Western and Eastern musical
traditions, song and chant. 

The evening will begin with a short video, "Sulkha": Reconciliation and Healing
of the Children of Abraham - an interfaith Hannukah/Ramadam peace celebration
held in December, 2001 in Israel.  The video will serve as a context and
launching ground for Merkavah to perform their original music based upon
biblical texts. 

The music of Merkavah is a musical collage of four essential and universal
texts: Creation through the the Ten Commandments, Love Your Neighbor as
Yourself and the prophecy of Ezekiel.

Gabriel Meyer Halevy and Amir Paiss are the co-creators of Merkavah. They have
both traveled and studied extensively the spiritual traditions from around the
world, natural healing and music.  Gabriel Meyer Halevy, the son of Rabbi
Marshall Meyer and Naomi Meyer, was born in Argentina and has lived in Israel
since 1993.  He has worked in theatre, film and T.V. and resides in the Galilee
working on the Nomadic Healing Peace Caravan to Jerusalem with the "Peacemaker
Community."  Amir Paiss is the cofounder of Sheva World Music Ensemble which
creates original music rooted in Hebrew and Arabic cultures.  He has performed
in major festivals in Israel and the U.S.A.  Merkavah is on a month long tour
of the United States and will perform in Boston, New York City and Washington
D.C. on the East Coast.

The Merkavah event will be held on November 23rd at Temple Beth Zion, 1566
Beacon Street, Brookline.  Tickets are $18.00 Adults, $12.00 Students, $6.00
Senior Citizens and $20.00 at the door. 

Reb Moshe Waldoks

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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