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Re: Yiddish Singers, Eldridge st. synagoge OCT 27.

oops, please disregard the last email.... oy vey, I knew it would happen to 
me one of these days....    Just to fill in, was completing an email to a 
friend about the concert today at the Eldridge St. Synagogue.  Hersh 
Rikelman, is on the program together with Josh Waletzky and Toyve Birnbaum.  
I've had the good fortune of being introduced to Hersh, living a few blocks 
away from clarinetist German Goldenshteyn in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn.  He's 
an amazing accordionist who plays in a style very affected by American 
popular styles.  His harmonies are full of extended chords, augmented 
inversions, 9ths and the like. And he sings with a lot of neshumeh.  With 
Josh on the program as well, and Toyve Birnbaum, a genuine badkhn from 
Poland...  need I say more?

Perhaps this misfired email was afterall a good opoportunity to remind and 
once again (as if it needs it)  plug the concert today at 2pm at the Eldridge 
St. Synagogue, 2pm!   Also Jeff Warschauer is doing a musical walking tour of 
the area and that begins at that same location at 11am!    

A double-header of a day on the lower east side for all those who can make 

Too quick on the trigger Michael

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