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Re:tarras clarinets/flute doyna/"78RPM"

In a message dated 10/20/02 9:47:19 PM, SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net 

<<  The flute also sounds higher than a normal

c-flute, but not as high as a piccolo.  So - is this piece really in A, or in

G, or is it an Ab fife being played in Ab?  >>

I've been discussing this doyna a little with Kurt and just want to add my 2 
cents here. The copy (Kurt's cassette) that I had does sound quite flute-like 
to me and in a good range for a normal length flute of probably 26 inches or 
so. It isn't, however, in a typical key for the flute (although not bad, just 
not normally played) nor does it start low like most other doynas played on 
flute. (The "many many" others.....) I just recorded it - if we're talking 
about the same one - in e (ending in A) and, according to some of the 
fingerings and sounds I felt I was listening to, it seemed to work in that 
key. I personally feel a fife sounds different when playing those same notes. 
It's like Ravel, when asking a part to be played on piccolo (piano concerto 
in G opening movement) that could also be handled on the flute, same notes 
coming out in the same register. You can hear the color that Ravel obviously 
wanted, hence the choosing of picoolo over flute. So a piccolo or fife will 
sound different playing those same notes in the doyna. 
Anyone else have any thoughts out there? 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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