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Re: 'equal opportunity offender'

You got to give Madonna some credit- she's always at least attempted (though
not necessarily succeeded) to at least give some edge to her music, ever
since she had x-Miles guitarist Reggie Lucas produce her first album. Seems
to me she'll be remembered more as a great entertainer than as a great
musician. OTOH if she thinks she's going to tackle great kabbalistic issues
by wrapping leather straps around her arm maybe someone's been leading her
around by the pocketbook. You really have to wonder just what she and her
costume designer were thinking. (On the third hand better a tikkun-olam
wannabe than the plate of nihilism fed to the public by others with
equivalent popular appeal?)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Judith Cohen" <judithc (at) yorku(dot)ca>
To: "World music from a Jewish slant" <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Sunday, October 20, 2002 5:26 AM
Subject: 'equal opportunity offender'

> Shirona writes, among other things,
> "This is not to say
> that I think of Madonna as a great artist...that's not the point"
> Gee, I dunno. May be it IS.... Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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