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Fw: College student requests assistance from Women Cantors
- From: Shirona <shirona...>
- Subject: Fw: College student requests assistance from Women Cantors
- Date: Sat 19 Oct 2002 19.49 (GMT)
Dear Colleagues,
The daughter of a friend (an emigre from the former Soviet Union), is a college
student on a semester abroad program through Antioch University in Ohio. She
is completing a research paper on women and Judaism. Her subject is women
fulfilling roles (cantor, rabbi) traditionally held by men. She has formulated
a list of questions below and would be very grateful to those serving in these
roles, to take a few moments and answer her research questions. Your answers
can be emailed directly to Gabrielle at gabriellegoldberg (at) hotmail(dot)com
On behalf of Gabrielle and her mother, Tanya Goldberg, I thank you for your
All the best,
Robyn Helzner
From: "Gabrielle Goldberg" <gabriellegoldberg (at) hotmail(dot)com>
>To: rumraisin7 (at) hotmail(dot)com
>Subject: Questions
>Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 07:31:28 -0400
>My name is Gabrielle Goldberg and I am studying abroad in Europe for the
>semester through Antioch University in Ohio.
>My program is focusing upon women´s studies and a requirement for me is to
>design and complete an independent study research project. I chose to study
>women and Judaism. What I am interested in is women fufilling roles that
>traditionally are filled by men. My
>research results are going to be cross-cultural comparisons of the USA,
>Netherlands, Poland, and the UK. These results are all for my personal use
>in order to write a paper talking about what I learned and how I learned
>it. I chose women and Judaism because I am of Jewish descent and feel a very
>strong connection to this heritage. I decided this would be a good way for me
>to learn more about the religion,
>culture, and lives of Jewish women today. Anything you have to offer me
>would be wonderful and if you have any comments about this survey, what I
>have to say, or life in general, please share them with me!!
Thank you,
Gabrielle Goldberg
Please complete the following questionaire and forward your responses to
gabriellegoldberg (at) hotmail(dot)com(dot)
>--How is your religious experience different than a traditional Jewish
>woman's experience?
>--Have you ever performed any roles traditionally filled by males? (ie: Are
>you a Rabbi, have you participated in the Minyan? Are you a Cantor?)
>--What do you think about women participating in the Minyan, becoming
>Rabbis, and Cantors? How is it different from a male filling these roles?
>--Does women filling these roles make the practice of the Jewish religion
>different? If so, how?
>--How do you identify with your Jewish identity? Please describe your role
>in the practice of Judaism:
- Fw: College student requests assistance from Women Cantors,