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Sounds like "The Onion," but it's not...(on the topic of MUSIC, not POLITICS)

Sharon serenades Washington
Janine Zacharia Oct. 18, 2002
WASHINGTON Staff at the Blair House, the guest residence where Prime Minister 
Ariel Sharon stayed this week during his visit, said they had never seen, or 
rather heard, anything like it a head of state leading his staff in song. 

Wednesday night, after a tough day of meetings that included President George 
W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, 
and CIA Director George Tenet, Sharon, whom one official described as 
"upbeat," initiated a round of late-night singing in the dining room. 

Joined by his senior staff, security, and embassy diplomats, the group belted 
out classic Israeli tunes such as Naomi Shemer's "Jerusalem of Gold."
"It was at the end of the day, a release of tension," one official said.

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